10 Proven Methods On How to keep Bees Away from Food

10 Proven Methods on how to keep bees away from food

1. Choose Bee-Friendly Foods:

2. Utilize Natural Repellents:

  • Citrus Peels: Place citrus peels strategically around your picnic area. Bees are not fans of citrus scents, so this can help create a protective barrier.
  • Cucumber Slices: Much like citrus, the scent of cucumber is known to repel bees. Place cucumber slices on your serving trays or around the picnic blanket.

3. Keep Food Covered:

4.Opt for Essential Oils:

5. Keep Trash Secure:

6. Choose Strategic Seating:

7. Use Bee Traps

8.Bright Colors and Patterns:

9. Dont Swat or Panic:

10. Bee Sting First Aid Kit:

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